

Software Development Life Cycle in the AI Era - A New Design Process

Exploring the Impact of GenAI on SDLC with Jeremy Smith

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Mike MacDade, Chief of Staff, Amdocs

S2 E8

18 Mar 2024

Software Development Life Cycle in the AI Era - A New Design Process

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March 18 2024

Join Mike MacDade as he dives into the dynamic realm of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) with Jeremy Smith, CTO-Engineering. Together, they navigate the transformative influence of Generative AI (GenAI) on the traditional SDLC framework. With the insightful perspective of AI co-host Alex, they uncover the nuances of integrating AI into various phases of SDLC, from planning and development to testing and collaboration. Through engaging dialogue, they illuminate the evolving landscape of software design and development, exploring both the challenges and opportunities presented by the infusion of AI into the SDLC process.

Key Takeaways:

  • New Skills and Collaborative Dynamics: The integration of Generative AI in SDLC necessitates developers to acquire new skills and adapt to evolving team dynamics. This shift fosters a collaborative relationship between human developers and AI systems, emphasizing the importance of mutual understanding and effective communication within development teams.
  • Impact on End-User Interactions: The incorporation of Generative AI in SDLC significantly influences end-user interactions with software products. It underscores the imperative of responsible and unbiased AI usage to address ethical concerns surrounding fairness, accountability, and transparency in decision-making algorithms. By prioritizing ethical considerations, developers can ensure that AI-powered solutions enhance user experiences while upholding ethical standards and values.

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