Mural: Going beyond boundaries with Women in Technology

Mural: Going beyond boundaries with Women in Technology

Take your place and take up space

25 May 2022

Mural: Going beyond boundaries with Women in Technology

Layout canvas

Closing the gender gap by making an emotional visual impression

About the project

Today women only make up 28% of the workforce in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). What’s stopping women in technology from achieving their potential? This project aims at closing the gender gap by making an emotional visual impression with its sumptuous colors that saturate the wall with butterflies fluttering off into an infinite space. The butterflies represent story telling moments and space represents the infinite space/possibilities that can inspire new ways of thinking and challenge norms.


Beyond Boundaries Mural - 1915 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA

The globe with the constellation is an ode to the building owner’s (Robert H. Craven Jr) great aunt Irene Davis (born Elizabeth Irene Craven) whose tenacity helped to keep F.A. Davis, an independent health science college textbook publisher, a thriving business. FA Davis remains to be one of the oldest independent, family-managed publishing houses in America, founded in 1879. Over her 43 year reign, Aunt Irene navigated the company through the Depression and two bank receiverships while widowed and fostered her younger siblings and nephew, Robert H Craven Sr, who succeeded her as President. She is a testament to women leadership and her story serves as the baton to pass on and inspire future generations.

About the artist, Serena Saunders

Serena Saunders is a full-time mother and practicing artist. Native to Philadelphia, Serena's core is Fine Art but she also creates in the realm of Fashion Design and Writing. Her work as a painter has a fresh, color-strong perspective that speaks to our imagination while the subjects ask of our awareness. Her often large-scale, graphically bold and poetically composed paintings offer the viewer layers of narrative. The painter works with a color palette that gives her intricate prints a world of their own. She then uses these environments on canvas as a backdrop to her portraits and their stories. You will often find a matter of injustice or undying hope fighting its way through the line work to prevail at the surface. Read more.

About the program

This mural was born out of a corporate initiative between Amdocs and Comcast to invest in closing the gender gap. This is the first effort of this kind where significant investment has been made to tailor a six-month program aimed at sharing knowledge, networking and creating a platform for professional growth and collaboration among women in technology. What occurred over the following six months was a transformative experience. We created a community; a group of women in technology getting to know each other and bonding over shared experiences. A safe space to open-up and a forum for honest discussion. A place where we could learn new skills and push each other to step out from our comfort zones. Along the way we were individually challenged to dream, to go further and to set goals. To do our part to encourage the young women of the next generation to pursue their passion in STEM subjects, we commissioned a mural in Philadelphia that will stand in testament to our commitment to see more women entering the tech industry, encouraging them to make the most of opportunities, by taking their place and taking up space.

Make a difference and donate to Girls Inc.

Amdocs is pleased to partner with Girls Inc. of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey whose aim is to inspire all girls to be strong, smart, and bold. Girls Inc. programs focus on leadership development, community action, STEM, early literacy, financial literacy, media literacy and healthy decision making. Through these research-based programs, participants gain the skills to navigate gender, economic and social barriers and grow into healthy, educated and independent young women. Girls Inc. of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey serves over 3,000 girls annually. Girls Inc. is one organization who exemplifies how women can take their place and take up space especially in STEM. Make a difference today and help to support Girls Inc. by making a donation.

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