


Unmasking 5G complexity: the challenge in delivering new innovative services

When it comes to 5G SA operations, the gaps between what’s possible with what’s needed can seem insurmountable. That is, without E2E automation.

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Mehrdad Ekbatani, Product Marketing Manager, E2E Network and Service Automation


02 Mar 2023

Unmasking 5G complexity: the challenge in delivering new innovative services

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Amdocs Intelligent Networking Suite’s E2E automation empowers a simple, efficient user experience that enables complete lifecycle management of advanced 5G services. The Suite helps CSPs to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving market while ensuring high-quality services and an excellent customer experience, all while controlling costs.

Unmasking 5G complexity: the challenge in delivering new innovative services

One of the most daunting challenges in launching new and amazing 5G services is the complexity. Specifically, when it comes to operations, the gaps between what’s possible with what’s needed can seem insurmountable. That is, without E2E automation.

Fulfilling (design, orchestrate, activate), operating and assuring E2E automation demands an integrated approach. With its declarative models that support intent-driven automation, Amdocs Intelligent Networking Suite was designed to improve network reliability and performance, while freeing resources to focus on the core business. Such models work as follows:

  1. The model translates and decomposes customer intent into network services
  2. The services and resources inventory provide the necessary data to design the decomposed service request and meet the customer intent
  3. The optimal design for these services is identified by validating the service specification against the inventory data

Importantly, the solution also maintains an E2E service and resource view across network and cloud domains, thereby supporting a zero-touch approach to the E2E delivery of customer intent. During the “operate” phase specifically, this is enabled by providing every service with an awareness of its resources’ underlying dependencies.

Furthermore, by providing intent-driven, closed-loop operation via events and telemetry feeds into the detect/diagnose/decide/do logic of the solution, it has the capability to automatically restore any deviant service intent service level agreements.

Widespread benefits

With a “single pane of glass” that empowers a simple, efficient user experience, Amdocs Intelligent Networking Suite’s end-to-end service and network orchestration enables complete lifecycle management of advanced 5G connectivity services with the following benefits:

  • Faster service rollout: automation and intelligent orchestration across the entire service lifecycle from design to activation, supporting faster, more agile rollout of new services and features
  • Enhanced customer experience: end-to-end service orchestration and management, helping to ensure services are delivered reliably, efficiently and with high quality
  • Better network resource utilization: optimized allocation of network resources, such as computing power, storage and bandwidth, ensuring resources are used efficiently and cost-effectively
  • Reduced operational costs: reduced operational costs by automating many of the manual processes involved in service delivery and network management, helping to improve efficiency, reduce errors and free up resources for other important tasks

Facts on the ground

As CSPs increasingly embark on their 5G standalone and network-slicing business journeys, the role played by Amdocs Intelligent Networking Suite takes on even greater importance. For example, in a recently completed PoC at A1 Telekom Austria, we designed and delivered an environment that could support the deployment, management and monetization of 5G services as part of a 5G Standalone-based mobile private network. Key to the project was its infrastructure-independent, cloud-native 5G edge architecture, as well as its 5G SA core software. Project partners included an AR application vendor, a European cloud hosting solution vendor and Amazon Web Services. Meanwhile, Amdocs E2E Service and Network Orchestration provided the design and delivery of end-to-end 5G services.

E2E PoC diagram

Scope of Proof of Concept

Learn how Amdocs Intelligent Networking Suite can help you on your 5G journey – regardless of whether you’re on an advanced path to commercialization or still conducting trials.


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