The road to zero-touch operations

The road to zero-touch operations

Adopting cloud operations is not a one-off effort but a long journey. The reason is that many of our customers’ applications are “mode 1” or monolith apps. Here’s a summary of our ‘Operations-as-a-Code’ vision for those of you who missed the webinar.

Shiri Yitzhaki Kanchuck

16 Nov 2020

The road to zero-touch operations

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Our recent SmartOps webinar proved to be a real crowd catcher, attracting an impressive number of participants. I guess people were curious to hear exactly how we plan to fulfill the ambitious goal we set for ourselves: running zero-touch operations at our service provider customers.

We began the session by confronting reality. Zero-touch is the ideal, and we need to strive to achieve it. But can we realistically achieve zero-touch? Well, not quite yet. But our Future Mode of Operations (FMO) team has been successful in paving a solid and clear path that will get us very close.

Let me explain where this path begins and where it heads. It begins with the hybrid environment service providers run today. For most companies, adopting cloud operations is not a one-off effort but a long journey. The reason is that many of our customers’ applications are “mode 1” or monolith apps. This means they were built using legacy technologies and are hosted on non-cloud foundations, with many simply not able to be migrated to cloud. Yet nearly every new application they deploy must still interact with some of these mode 1 apps. So for the considerable future, they’ll have mode 1 apps running side by side with mode 2 apps – those which are cloud-native and running on the public cloud.

Now, to explain where this path heads, we need to look at Amdocs’ unique SmartOps practices, which were designed to address the challenges created by this hybrid reality.

Operations-as-a-Code – or – “programmed operations”

Leveraging our years of knowledge and experience running operations of 50 leading service providers across the globe, we developed our own “Operations-as-a-Code” framework, which encapsulates our entire industry-specific knowhow and practices. This well-documented reservoir of data-driven automations, self-healing flows, operation templates, application-specific scripts, monitoring dashboards and KPIs can be used by operational teams to run operations tasks via self-service, or to be invoked automatically by the self-healing platform in response to some events. These automation artifacts enable automated, error-free, and reused operations, and are being continuously improved to meet emerging operations requirements.

If you can run your managed services based on established industry practices, and leverage ready-made, contextualized code and automations, it will enable your operation teams to be well on the path to Cloud zero-touch operations – allowing them to proactively ensure application issues do not occur and leaving developers to focus on what they do best. In addition, with the continual optimization mentioned before, your teams can ensure all applications and resources are constantly performing in the most efficient manner possible. And most importantly, by keeping manual work to a minimum, your IT organization can run at the speed of business.

So, are you ready to jump on the ride to Cloud programmed operations? Check out our LinkedIn page to learn more.


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