It's a journey, there is no destination

My passions include meditation, mindfulness and storytelling and when I read this it brings a smile to my face. And if I can apply it to my personal life, why can’t I do the same at work?

03 Apr 2023

It's a journey, there is no destination

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Storytelling and Digital Brands

As the Dungeons and Dragons greeting goes, 'Hail and Well Met'.  I have always been interested in knights and tales of adventuring. There is a French poem about Perceval and the search for the Holy Grail. Perceval leaves his home, takes a risk, and sets about on a great quest. Along the way, he experiences many things, new responsibilities, and difficult emotions and falls in love (the curse that strikes down both peasant and king) but eventually find the Castle of the Holy Grail. Once inside he meets the King. He learns along the way in his journey he will be asked a very important question "Whom does the Grail serve?" Answering this question correctly would save the kingdom from poverty and despair, as well as fulfilling Perceval's dreams. He answers the question incorrectly and leaves the Castle in despair.

But he doesn't give up, knowing that he was so close to completing the quest he sets out to find the Castle again. This time he brings with him all that he learned on his first journey. It's a long, expensive, and tiresome journey that takes him many years, losing his way many times. Eventually, he meets two people, the Hideous Damsel, and a Hermit. They only focus to tell him about his failures and faults, ultimately succeeding in destroying his confidence and self-worth. But our hero digs deep, does his research, doesn’t give up, and finally after all those years of searching the Hermit finally gives him the directions to the Castle of the Holy Grail. Perceval sets off on his journey and the poem ends.

A story without an ending?

It is interesting that the story has no ending, leaving us to find meaning for ourselves. For the last 35 years, Amdocs has evolved the telecoms industry. It has innovated software, introduced new business models, and is constantly evaluating how we can bring more value to the customer. This is achieved by looking at what we didn’t do well and making sure we don't repeat mistakes (and sometimes we do), we find our way to the Castle, answer the question incorrectly and embark on a new journey. Digital Brands is a small division within Amdocs with a "big impact" that has a ‘fail fast, ‘shift left’ and 'freedom of responsibility' approach to work we do with a passion and focus on creating and rewarding innovation. While on this innovation journey towards a cloud-native and composable architecture to create the digital brand suite we learned many new things. I would go as bold to say that we 're-invented' ourselves to level up to today's challenges.

As a storyteller, I am always looking for great stories and when I read this it made me think about how we journey together with our customers but complete the story and to not leave it unfinished. Everyone is looking for the 'Holy Grail' in BSS some think that they have found it. That was me 4 years ago when I started on a major digital transformation journey for a telco in APAC, this was the Hideous Damsel that prepared me to ask a difficult question that would help me to finally reach the Castle of the Holy Grail “How do I get my customers to understand the value in what I am selling?"

Like Cretien (the author of the poem) I could leave the story unfinished but think it deserves an ending, and this is where we begin with our own adventure, a "journey", well four of them to be exact, and our quest would be incomplete without a map with a pot of gold at the end of it, ensuring that our customers understand the value of Amdocs ConnectX

Want to know more about our solution?

Amdocs ConnectX is the perfect platform for businesses that want to provide their customers with a truly digital experience. With a cloud-native composable architecture and SaaS API services (TMF certified), the suite enables businesses to break free from the limitations of traditional customer experiences. By using the suite, businesses can create an enriched customer experience focused on delivering digital-first customer service. With the ability to easily compose and customize the various capabilities of the suite, businesses can tailor the customer experience to their specific needs and requirements. The Amdocs ConnectX is the perfect tool for businesses who want to stay ahead of the curve and provide their customers with the best possible experience.


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